
Mount Baker

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It has been our tradition for I can't remember how long to go sledding at Mount Baker after Christmas.  The only difference this year was that we went skiing instead.  Isaac has a friend that skis so we brought him with us.  We skied all together in the morning. But in the afternoon, Job took a lesson and we sent Isaac, Ben and Lona off together while John and I had some time on the slopes.  John can ski some hard stuff and I can slide down those slopes gangly and just barely in control.It pushed me to my limits while John was patient and waited and waited and waited some more. 

He's so snowy.  Regarde tout la neige sur son chapeau!
Job needed some help with his turns and linking his turns.  Isaac just needs to be pushed with friends and Lona needs to learn how to use poles.  I think that is her next hurdle.  I think that having a friend aklong with the kids who knew the mountain made the difference on this trip as well as having Job take that class.  By the time his class was over it was time to go home.
Normalement nous allons faire de la luge apres Noel mais cette annee nous allons faire du ski.  Isaac avait un ami qui fait du ski et connaitre la montagne alors il vas avec nous.  Pendant le matin, nous faisons du ski ensemble.  John et moi decidons que Job avoir besoin une lecon.  Apres midi Job prends une lecon, Isaac et Lona font du ski avec l'ami de Isaac.  John et moi avons du temps ensemble.  Il fait du ski bien et moi, je ne suis pas joli quand je fait du ski mais je peux lui suivre.

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