

By Leslie Parks - Monday, December 05, 2011

John has been asking me to paint the entry way.  We've talked to painters and wanted this done for over a year now.  We've had someone come in and give us a quote and then never heard from him again.  I saw the color I wanted from a fellow photographer classmate.  I purchased the paint called some painters and had them paint everything I couldn't reach.  So that brings us to the next project.  ohn was trying to figure out what to do next.  I opted for new carpets.  I have stains in the carpets from when Job was a baby.  He's 11 years young now.  Also there were stains in our brand new house when we moved in from the realtor.  Smoothy stains from the kids.  I have borrowed my neighbor's steam cleaner and cleaned the carpets but could never get out the stains.  So I pleaded with John for new carpet.  It's old and dirty and driving me a little crazy.  The kids are older and we have definitely used the carpet.  We priced carpet for just our family room. Yikes, $2000.  I wasn't looking at the top of the line or the bottom of the line.  I quickly realized that wasn't happening soon.  So I started looking for a professional carpet cleaner and I found Bellingham Carpet and Floor.  Yes, I'm promoting his business. I moved most of the furniture into our school room, kitchen and dining room.  Here are the results.  The front room was pretty good it was the family room that was bad: berber carpet.  I was impressed.  The area around the computer desk couldn't totally come clean but 90% is impressive in my book.

Before, Avant
After, Avant

Apres nous sommes finis peintre le porte d'entree et le couloir nous avons decide de remplace les tapis.  Mais quand nous voyons le prix, nous trouvons que c'est trops cher. C'est juste $2000 pour une chambre.  Ils sont tres sal.  Quelques taches de tapis sont la depuis Job etait un bebe.  J'ai nettoye les tapis chaque annee mais les taches sont restes.  Je trouve un personne professionel de nettoyer les tapis.  Il faut que je deplace les meubles et il nettoye les tapis.  Apres trois heures il y a un grande difference.  Je veux dire merci. 

Before, Avant

After, Apres
Before, Avant

After, Apres

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