
Nativity Ballet

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 22, 2011

Last year Lona joined the Dancing for Joy ballet school.  They were having a Christmas program so we signed Lona up for that as well.  She was given the part of a Star last year and held the hoopla over Joseph and Mary.  This year her part was that of an Angel.  We went to every Friday practice.  She learned her part and then it was opening night.  They had two showings this year and Lona was in both nights.  Little did I know that some of the kids (particularly the younger ones) were just in one night.  They divided the classes.  We made the decision to go on Sunday and purchased our tickets but I thought I'd help out of Saturday so didn't need any ticket.  Turns out they didn't need my help at all so I purchased a ticket the night of the show.  I sat in the balcony and watched.  Lona didn't come on until the 2nd Act.  I was/am biased and thought she was amazing.  In the balcony it is a little impersonal because you are sitting far away but some of the dances made more sense as far as what was going on.  Then it was Sunday night and the who family went.  The story is about Jesus' birth from the prophecy in the old testament to Joseph, Mary and Jesus fleeing to Egypt all told through ballet.  Lona told me that it felt like the music was written just for this ballet.  I think so too.  We sat in the third row from the front.  It was up close and personal.  At one point Joseph and Mary are traveling and searching for an inn.  they are repeatedly turned down by the innkeepers and she is havin labor pains.  I turn to John and just start bawling.  The rest of the performance was like that.  By the end of the evening John and I felt emotionally exhausted.  They did an incredible job.  It is becoming a family tradition I hope.
Le dimanche nous avons aller au ballet de voir Lona. Elle etait un ange.  L'annee passe elle etait un etoile.  C'ette annee, elle se reveiller les berger et announcer la naissance de Jesus.  C'est l'histoire de la naissance qui commence avec l'announcement de le Messie jusqu'a l'echapper en Egypt.  Elle dance pour deux nuit.  Les petites qui sont les anes et les moutons seulment dance pour un nuit. Un demi danser le samedi et l'autre demi danser le dimanche.  Le samedi c'est juste moi qui aller mais le dimanche c'est notre tout famille.  Je pense que Lona etait magnifique mais je suis sa mere.  Le dimanche je vois le visage a John et il pleut quand je le vois, je commence de pleurer aussi. 

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