
Merry Christmas - our card

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Our Christmas card this season.  When I look back at some of my old photos from when I was a kid, I've noticed that many of them are actually postcards.  I've really liked the feel of and thickness of the paper.  Last year I was looking around and found this cool website called Gotprint.  I purchased 100 postcards for $32.00.  That included shipping and rounded corners.  It was comparable to greating cards from Costco.   Now I'm waiting for the card to arrive so I can send them out.

C'est notre carte de Noël.  Quand je vois mes photos quand j'etais petite, je realize quelques photos sont cartes de postale.  J'aime le papier alors je trouve un site ou je peux acheter des cartes postale.  J'achete 100 cartes postale pour le meme ou mieux prix que Costco.  Maintenant j'attends les cartes postale.

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