
skiing at Mount Baker

By Leslie Parks - Friday, December 09, 2011

This year we have decided to go to Mount Baker a couple of times to ski.  Job is in the 5th grade and can ski free with a paying adult.  Still expensive but we've decided that we can go some; not every weekend.  The boys went opening day and it was great.  Then because we didn't get to visit John's mom for Thanksgiving we decided to head to the Mountain.  The kids are coming along.  They need practice just like anything else.  They can ski pretty much any run that I can go on but John does like to have a few more challenges.  He took off in the afternoon to harder runs and then met back up with us for the last run of the day.  I love that the kids like to ski/board together. Oh sure comments are made like soeo them are better than the others but really not true.  Each of them have different strengths on the mountain.  I remember learning to ski and being taken down a run that I thought was too difficult for me and just ending up in tears and a parent being frustrated.  That doesn't happen with our kids.  There weren't any tears this day and they just went down any run that we asked them to go on.  It's great because we all have a possitive outlook.  It really doesn't matter how long it takes us to make the run just as long as we are all having fun.  One thing that does help is toe and hand warmers for Job.  His hands and toes get so cold even being outside for 30 minutes they are like ice when he comes in.  Who ever invented those had a child like Job.
Parce que Job peut faire du ski libre au cause de son age, nous decidons d'aller quatre ou cinq fois cette hiver.  C'est cher mais nous pensons que c'est un vacance pour nous.  Les garcons deja vont une fois avant que Lona et moi.  Nous ne pouvons pas visiter la mere de John en Novembre alors nous faisons du ski.  Isaac, Job et Lona pouvent aller presque tous que moi sur le montagne.  John est plus advance que nous.  Nous aimons aller tous ensemble et je suis agreable avec ca.  J'aime que nous restons une famille.  Quand j'etais petite et commence d'apprendre de faire du ski il y a plusiere de temps que j'ai commence a pleurer. Nous avons aller au place trop difficile pour moi et mon parents est frustre avec moi.  L'annee passe les trois ont pris des lessons alors maintenant nous pouvons aller presque tous et il n' y a pas des larmes.  John est vieux que nous alors il va tout seul dans l'apres midi et rendevous avec nous au fin.  C'est parfait.  Nous prennons des réchauffeurs de main pour Job.  Ses mains sont toujours froid alors avec ca il est content pour la jour.

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