I'm not sure when the last time I actually ate at the food court in the mall. I sometimes get coffee but actually eating there? Hmm, not often. However the other night, we met up with our other family. I say other family because the kids have adopted each other. They want to be related so bad, everyone except for Isaac. They don't...

We wrapped up our Montana vacation with playing Tennis Soccer at the Tennis Court. The whole goal is to lob it over the net to the opposing team. You can have three touches on each side, like volleyball. I can't do it but t hen I have no trapping skills in soccer. The rest of them had a ton of fun. I did...

As I spent time in my Hometown this summer, I wanted to capture some of the things that meant a lot to me as I was growing up. When I was in middle school, I would stop at the library almost every day and check out a book on the way home. I still have some favorites that I remember from that library...