
Montana Vacation: Woodland Park

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, July 19, 2014

I absolutely loved this park.  It is so beautiful and the kids asked to go there not just to swim but to hang out.  I could have stayed here for hours exploring the park, taking photos, enjoying watching the kids climb trees.  We just didn't have enough time.  Isaac and Lona played frisbee and Job wandered around looking and trying to approach the ducks and geese, climbing trees and posing for me. There is so much to do at this park.  There is a water park, a skate park, some tennis courts, a pavalion, and a pond.  We found a duck that we think was laying on a nest of eggs.  The little ducklings and gooslings were starting to loose their down feathers and have their adult feathers grow in.  The only problem according to the kids was the amount of duck poop all over the place, but what can they expect when there are flocks of ducks and geese.

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