
Montana Vacation: Lone Pine State Park

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, July 15, 2014

While visiting John's mom, we did some touristy things.  One was going to Lone Pine State Park.  It's funny because we as we were driving up there, the road was surrounded by houses. Then we drove in, paid our $5 and stopped at the visitors center.  The point was for Lona to go running.  I was hoping to go as well but when Job saw the visitor center we never made it out.  It is a small single story two room building not much bigger than my living room, dining room and kitchen.  It is divided into a display room and an educational room.  The educational room has pelts from mink to grizzly.  Each pelt has a number on the back and you are encouraged to identify the animal it belongs to.  They also have horns and antlers, rubber molds of tracks and also molds of scat.  Each one is labeled with a number and then there are sheets to write down your guesses and an answer key to check.  Job had fun with the scat and the antlers and horns as only a middle school boy can have.  Then there are boxes you have to stick your hand into and try to identify what you are touching. That kind of thing always creeps me out a little bit.  An interesting note was the lighted display board of the area.  If you push one button, the lights come on identifying where there are repeated cougar sightings.  Another light is for black bear and the third light is for grizzly bear.  The area around John's mom's house lit up for all three and had mutiple lights for each.  They freeze a lot of their garbage and get up early to stick it out for the garbage collectors.  If they put out too much kitchen scraps, their garbage gets raided by bears. Andy, Ethel's husband has a game camera out on his property that over looks a bridge to the back 40. He checks it every day and gets nearly everything.  He's had deer, bear, mountain lions, pole cats (skunks) and even himself.  It takes a photo every time it senses movement.  Pretty neat.  I wish I had some of those photos but he doesn't download the photos only erases the blurry ones and then swtiches cards.

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