
Montana Vacation: Crystal Lake

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, July 27, 2014

Crystal Lake is this very shallow lake in the mountains around Lewistown. My brother had a friend whose family was the camp host here and they would run all over these mountains.  This was the first place we took Isaac camping as a baby.  The kids go here quite a bit with my mom. They get out the little rafts and air matress, picnic and hike around the lake.  This time we went up with my Mom and Jim.  We had the intention to hike to either the Crystal Ice Caves or Grandview Point. For some reason Job didn't want to do any hiking.  We left him at the campground with my Mom and Jim.  They hiked around the lake and saw a bear!  We got lost and never really went anywhere.  Actually we hiked up to the well for the campground.  Always and adventure.  Isaac was hilarious, "I thought when I got lost it would be more exciting and fun than this."  I still chuckle over that.  Sometimes things seem a lot more adventurous until your actually doing it then it's just reality.  Once we got back to the picnic area we walked down to the lake and saw the bear too.  I loved seeing it come out of the trees, wander through the meadow, stop and perk up it's ears. I could almost see it sniff. It heard some people coming along the path to the meadow; at that point it turned around almost like a dog, and took off for the trees. So very amazing. It came back out once more but then I think the lake and path were too crowded.

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