
Montana Vacation: Two Lakes

By Leslie Parks - Friday, July 18, 2014

We have visited the Flathead Valley every year since we've been married. We have never gone to or through Glacier Park.  Last year we took a Mount Rainier Vacation and it was wonderful.  I thought we could explore Glacier Park a little.  Well, it was a very little but fun.  We met up with one of John's fraternity friends and his kids.  I had read about Avalanche Lake and how beautiful it is and planned a hike into there.  It wasn't really a hike, more  like a walk with a steady stream of people.  Ethel gave us some bear spray and told me that if we don't use it, she wanted it back.  With that many people pilgrimage to the lake, there wouldn't have been a bear for 10 miles.  Once we arrived at the lake, people filled the shore for 1/2 mile sitting down to eat their lunch.  Just like we did.  Then the people we walked up with were the ones ready to go at the same time we were so it was a steady stream down to the parking area.  It is a beautiful lake and I can see why so many people want to go there.  It is the same reason I wanted to go.  I tried to be mindful of the people and to take photos so that it didn't show that we were surrounded by humanity.  Later that night, we went to Justin's cabin on Flathead Lake.  The kids swam and we cooked hamburgers and ate and ate and ate. It is such a beautiful area.  John's mom joined us for the bbq and we met some really interesting people from Croatia (I think).  They were here on a mission trip.  I find it interesting that we are now a mission field.

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