
Montana Vacation: The Cabin

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Mom's husband owns a cabin in the Little Belt Mountains of Montana.  This cabin was built in 1935 by three people who rented the land from the National Forest Service for 99 years.  That cabin and lease has been passed down from generation to generation. It  has no running water, no plumbing and no electricity.  However it is the cutest cabin with a wood burning stove, a sink, a bunkbed and double bed, and a dinning table.  The outhouse is down a path and remains locked until they come up. Since its on Forest Service Land people sometimes assume that they can use the facilities.  We packed up food and guns and headed out to the cabin.  Its a great place to explore, wander up the path crossing the creek at least 15 times, I had to notch a stick to keep track.  Job started up the path and decided that he didn't want to take his shoes off or get them wet so for the first 6 crossings or so he would find anyway across that would allow him to keep his shoes dry.  When we reached the part of the trail that splits we decided to head back.  Once back we snacked and shot guns.

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