
Montana Vacation: Lona's Birthday

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, July 17, 2014

While in Montana, we celebrated Lona's 12th birthday.  She has this thing about turning 12.  For some reason she's been wanting to turn 12 for a long long time and has looked forward to it.  She wanted a pie with words in whipped cream that said, "12 finally." I really don't understand her facination with turning 12.  Of course I knew I wanted to take some photos of her and that I accomplished.  I also wanted to take photos of the boys but you know how boys are.  Ethel had asked me for some photos of Lona and I sent her a bunch.  She had ordered a cake and they printed the photo onto an edible sheet of frosting and placed it on the cake.  We celebrated with Ethel inviting some people over and eating hamburgers and cake then opening presents.  This may have been the first time one of the kids celebrated their birthday at Ethel's house.

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