The Boat Saga

By Leslie Parks - Monday, July 06, 2009

I took these photos as were getting ready to go boating.
J'ai pris des photos dans le camion sur le rue d'aller faire du ski natique.

Isaac has always pinched his neck ever since he was a baby.

Isaac a toujours fait ca avec son cou depuis il est trop petit.

We have fixed our little boat. We've even taken it out, worked with the kids to water ski. They've gone tubing and we've had a blast. Then we went with our friends each of us with boats to play on Wiser Lake. Our boat quit and had to be towed back to shore. Turns out a wire had come off and had to be put back on. On Lona's actual birthday I presented John with his anniversary gift, only a week early. It was a wake board. It is only for him. He thought about a knee board so that the kids could do it too, but this isn't a gift for the family, it is for him. Let me tell you he was excited. So we jumped into the boat and took off for Wiser Lake. Lona and Isaac hopped into the tube right away and we pulled them around the lake. Then this funny little noise started and we thought what is that? But we've heard it before and so didn't really think anything of it until smoke started pouring out of the engine. We shut it off quickly and started rowing to shore. Another boat came along and towed us in. Now we're thinking that we need to check the water pump which means draining the lower unit taking it off to replace the water pump. Then we need to check the compression and probably replace some stuff in the engine. I think we're going to sell the boat. We've been talking about a little bigger boat anyway. The boat states that it is for four adults. I figure if you put our three kids together you one average adult male. (150 lbs). But we really can't take any friends with us. For me it is a little bit of a get away. I think that it is work for John so we have to see what we do.

Nous travaillons sur le bateau et nous pensons qu'il est fixer. J'achete un "wakeboard" pour l'anniversaire du marriage. Il etait tres excite. C'est juste pour lui pas pour la familee. Nous prenons le bateau au lac. Nous avons dans un cercle quelque fois quand nous entenons un brui pas normale. Mais nous ne comprenons pas qu'est ce que le brui juste que nous voyons le fume dans le moteur. Alors nous fermons le moteur et commencons de ramer. Un autre bateau nous vois et nous remorque a la cote.

Nous desirons un bateau plus grand que notre petit bateau. Maintenant notre bateau est pour quatre person et nous sommes cinq. Avec un plus grand bateau nous pouvons prendre notre amis avec nous. Pour moi c'est un peu comme un vacance. Je peu s'ammuse et apres retourn a la maison. C'est parfait, pas beaucoup de travaille. Peut etre on peut trouver un autre bateau qui marche mais n'est pas tres chere. On le vois.

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