Sweet September

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Yes, it is September. Amazing how quickly this summer has gone. I am getting excited about school starting and on the other hand I'm wishing for two more months of summer. I am slowly getting organized trying to figure out how the school year is going to start. I've gone through and picked a start and an end date for the quarters and the school year. We are going to hit the books hard starting September 9th and ending May 21. At least that is the plan. I've included some vacation/teacher work days in there too. I've ordered our books, printed out "lesson plans" for the first quarter, organized the school shelves, made a required reading list for the kids, and am planning a get together at Birch Bay State Park to kick things off. This year Isaac will be in 6th grade; the last year of grammar school. Yikes! Job is in 4th grade. I see 4th grade as a transition year. At least in regular school they go from hand holding to more responsibility (longer books, more homework, more on your own stuff). We did that last year with him but technically he would be in 3rd grade in public school because of his birthday and so I jumped the gun with him. Lona is in 2nd grade this year. I have some chapter books that I want her to read. I wasn't sure if she could do this or not until I had her read a page from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I was really surprised. She can read a lot better than I had thought. Busted!
We had both school books and diabetic supplies delivered on the same day. When the trucks pulled up to the house, the kids ran to the window to see if there was a package being delivered to our house. They raced to the front door and grabbed the boxes, quickly saying thank you to the drivers. Then a mad dash to the kitchen for the scissors and tearing open the boxes to see what they got. Then just as quickly as the smiles appeared they walked away to find something that engaged their imagination. Quick sets and IV preps aren't their idea of fun or mine either. I slowly unpacked the boxes and went through the supplies and books and put things away. Yes, school/fall is starting at our home.

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