
By Leslie Parks - Saturday, May 21, 2011

Celebrating Isaac's birthday this year has been challenging with soccer ending, John's work schedule, and school.  Last year we kind of celebrated Isaac's birthday at the same party that Job had for end of soccer.  This year, well, we went to church and then quietly had lunch while John slept.  When John woke up we opened presents.  Then Lona's team had a soccer party at the Ferndale YMCA so we went to that and came home to have a birthday "snack" - lasagna and fudge.  Back to the YMCA for Isaac's team party and finally home for a movie.  His birthday  morning I had a chocolate cupcake for him for breakfast and then we had a dinner at home with John.  Isaac had piano lessons after school so there wasn't really anytime set aside for him to celebrate with his friends.  This week we have another soccer party, Awana awards, dance lessons, chess practice, and dance photos.  So there isn't a day just for him but I think it was ok anyway.  He has been happy with family and since he turned 13 he is old enough for Facebook so he now has email and a facebook account.  I think that this takes place of a phone.  I was his very first friend and now when I want to tell him something all I have to do is IM him.
Notre celebration d'anniversaire d'Isaac est juste familee.  Nous allons a l'eglise et retournons chez nous pour dinner.   Isaac ouvre ses cadeux quand John se reveille.  John travaille pendent le nuit maintenant.  Nous sommes alles au fete pour l'equip de Lona et retournons chez nous pour 45 minutes ou nous avons manges dinner et chante bonne anniversaire a Isaac.  Puis nous sommes alles au fete pour l'equip d"Isaac.  Quand nous avons retourne chez nous, nous voulons seulment rester et regarder un filme.  Alors ce n'est pas un jour pour Isaac avec ses amis.

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