
By Leslie Parks - Sunday, May 01, 2011

This was our teeth week.  Isaac received a new tooth.  He's half way through braces and that in itself has been an experience.  I'm hoping by the time Lona is done we will really know what questions to ask.  Back to Isaac though.  He is like his mom in some ways.  I am missing two teeth actually and he is only  missing one, however the other tooth is a peg tooth.  It is smaller then normal.  John probably should have checked teeth like they do with horses before marrying me.  This new tooth is attached to his braces only and will be there for the next year.  When the remove his braces, he'll have to wear a retainer and then the tooth will be attached to the retainer until that is no longer need and then he'll wear a partial until implants or a bridge.  I think at least one of my children should go into the dental field. 

Cette semaine est notre semaine avec des dents.  Isaac recois un dent nouveau.  Il avait un medecine appareil pour une annee.  Il y a seulment une annee plus.  Mercredi Isaac a recu un dent nouveau.  C'est attache a ses appareil.  Quand il fini avec l'appareil il va recevoir un mandate dentaire et apres ca, il peux recevoir un dent permenant.  J'espere qu'un de mes enfants devien un dentiste.

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