Cat's in the Craddle (Family cuddle)

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It used to be that sunday mornings we would have a family cuddle on the couch.  We'd all sit on the couch under a blanket and cuddle.  It doesn't happen anymore.  As the kids get older they are on the go more often.  We take two cars to church Sunday morning more often than all riding together and we leave at different times.  Sometimes we'd cuddle on a Friday or Saturday morning but with soccer and two kids spending the day at the soccer pitch that doesn't happen.  John's been working lots of Fridays and Isaac leaves for school early. This one morning though, Isaac had left for school but John was still here.  We had a rare opportunity for a family cuddle (and for me to snap a few photos).  They are growing too fast and soon they'll be like Isaac; off to high school and no time to cuddle.

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