A Season Begins: Bake Blast Tournament

By Leslie Parks - Friday, July 08, 2016

 So it has begun, another year of the Ranger season.  A new coach, a somewhat new team, new parents, a new way of doing things.  What am I to expect? She played a tournament with her team, then was sent up to play with the next team up. She loved it. She loved the players, she loved the experience, she loved the coaching. She new some people and met others. It was nice to not have to do anything for it. I wasn't the manager, I was just a sideline parent and it was refreshing. I watched her play and took photos of her, not the team. I like taking photos of the team, but every once in a while I like taking photos of just my kid. It was fun to watch them connect four or five passes together. It was fun watching her play in a center defender position. It was fun to see the team really connect, work together and win. Yep, I have to say that it was fun to win. We've done the losing bit and there is a lot to learn when you lose but it is fun to win. I am hoping that her current team can come along and work together like this other team did. I am hoping that as parents we don't get caught up in vying for a spot on other teams. I am hoping that we can become friends on and off the pitch that it ends up being fun and competitive.  Only time will tell. Oh and this team took 2nd place in the tournament.

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