An Adventure: Biking Lummi Island

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, July 03, 2016

 Lummi Island is a very short ferry ride from us yet we don't take advantage of it. On Lona's birthday, we loaded up the bikes, borrowed one for Isaac, and headed out to the ferry dock. We took the truck across, parked it right away and headed out on our bikes. I am not in shape for bike riding. The kids just took off and I took my time taking photos and trying to bike up the very small hills on the western part of the island.  At one point I sent John ahead to catch up to the kids, thinking we could stop at one of the beach access spots and rest but they were down the road moving fast. The island is a contradiction of environments. part of it looks like the Pacific Northwest with, lush green grass, cedar trees, black berry bushes, and the Sound, The other part of it looks like rural Montana with old wooden buildings, dry sparse grass and barbwire fencing. Then we came across an all island garage sale.  We were on bikes, I could have stayed and wandered and shopped. It looked wonderful.  Next year? Maybe? John and the boys persuaded us to continue down the road and we quickly returned to the start of the beginning of trip and to top it off with ice cream bars. It's the little adventures that make up our time as a family and create the memories that knit us together.

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