Activity: Racing along the Bonneville Flats

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Our cross country trip lead us right past the Bonneville Salt Flats, sight of the US speed record for cars.  We pulled over at the rest area along with other travelers along I-80 from Salt Lake City to Wendover.  The smoke from the forest fires in California had drifted over the mountains creating a soft smudge of the horizon. The sun baked the salt into a a crust creating hexagonal cracks along the salt floor but from a distant is looks smooth yet almost alien since vegetation can't grow in this landscape.  Arid, dessert, and flat.  We walked out onto the crusted surface and took photos with everyone else but there was more to do here than just take photos.  A few miles west on the interstate is the turn off for the Bonneville Salt Flats racing course.  We gassed up and drove right onto the flats.  Getting out of the car, I watched as he raced away reaching speeds I didn't even want to think about.  Breaking hard and whipping around to face another direction. Living where we do, the kids didn't have a lot of experience with driving in the snow.  And still there is about a week of icy roads and snow each year.  I always felt it was important to know what to do if they were driving and started to feel like they were slipping out of control.  So their dad would take them to spin brodies and learn how to correct without over correcting.  Then on their own they would go drifting.  Well that "practice" was evident out on the salt flats.  Hmmm.  They learned that lesson well. 


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