The other night, Lona was sleeping in the boy's room on a mattress on the floor. She wanted to tease Job and climbed their dresser. It and everything on it came crashing down. Thankfully she was not hurt. The ladder stopped it. I couldn't believe it. She is not my climber. None of my children have ever climbed the furniture. It took about 45 minutes to calm her down. She felt so bad. She broke Isaac's piggy bank. It was made special for him. Actually all of the kids have one. They are one of a kind, each a little different. After tucking her into her own bed in her own room I slowly glued the large pieces together. Like every project that requires disassembling and reassembling, there were extra pieces left over. I just couldn't get everyone back. Kind of like Humpty Dumpty. Now Isaac is truly a cracked pot.
I've been practicing with different view points this week. Here are two pictures of Job's chess medal, two different views. I'm not sure which one I like the best. I think that I'm going to see about a small chunk of black fabric to take pictures on.