What am I contributing to my feloow man?

By Leslie Parks - Monday, January 12, 2009

What am I contributing to my fellow man? That was the question we were asked at my exercise class today. My answer: I write my husband notes every morning before I head out the door. He's already gone when I come back. This is just a little way to say I love you. In my notes, I tell him how I feel about him, what I'm thankful for, what I appreciate, etc. Class was wondering how that contributes to my "fellow" man. I could have given them a sermon. If I appreciate and validate my husband, he isn't going to go "looking". Keeping my home intact and "built" contributes to all of society. It is one more home that won't be dealing with the effects of divorce. Three more kids that won't deal with separate parents. But I didn't say any of that. I just smiled knowing in my heart how this little thing contributes. I could have said homeschooling my kids. Raising them up in the fear and admonition of the LORD. How teaching them responsibility and how to accept responsibility when they are wrong is contributing. How I am trying to teach my kids not to be dependent upon me, friends or each other but to be dependent upon God is contributing. But I didn't say these things. They weren't ready, but I do not hide my faith. They just weren't ready to hear. I am one of two Christians in class. At first I was the only one. During punching, I was told to imagine knocking out my boss/husband/anything that made me mad. I said "sin". I already give different answers for things, and I just smile.

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