walking into McDonald's, I would like to not have a pimple on face once a month that says I'm about ready to cycle. I would like to be a better photographer, a better mother, a better wife, a better friend, runner, scrapbooker, housekeeper, cook, and the list goes on. It seems that I tend to compare myself to others. So and so is creative, or keeps her house clean, or has this amazing walk with the Lord, ..., what is wrong with me? I've been working out 4 to 5 days a week since August, how come I haven't lost weight? Why don't my clothes fit better? And the critiques go on and on. I'm desperate to get off of this critical treadmill and start enjoying my life as it is. I think that most of the time I'm fine just every now and then, I decide to climb on and this treadmill doesn't go anywhere. I think that I tend to hop on right before Christmas and at the end of school. It's getting off the treadmill that takes more time, it isn't as easy as getting on. Writing it out helps to get things off my chest and able to start seeing the blessings and positiveness of life. I really love seeing what every one's talent/blessings are. There are just so many people that have been blessed with amazing abilities and they are inspiring to me. They unknowingly push me to be better in many areas. Now, I'm getting off my butt and writing out a to do list and tackling it today.