Mozart Extraveganza

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, June 04, 2011

The people sit in anticipation waiting.  The doors swing open and they enter, each smiling, excited and nervous, walking down the isle, dressed to the nines.  They approach the front and turn standing in two lines the micro phone is passed from piano student to piano student as they each introduce themselves and name the number of years playing the piano.  "Hello, my name is Isaac and I've been playing the piano for 2 years."  The microphone is passed to a younger version of the previous boy, "Hello, my name is Isaac and I've been playing the piano for two years." he repeats.  The first boy looks over and motions like he's going to bonk him on the head.  That is how the recital went last year.  This year we again had a rehearsal before the actual recital.  These same kids filed into the same small church and practiced introducing themselves.  "Hello, my name is Lona and I've been playing piano for 3 years."  "Hello, my name is Isaac and I've been playing the piano for 3 years."  "Hello, my name is Isaac and I've been playing the piano for 3 years."  Again, this smaller version of the older boy just repeated what he heard before.  We burst into laughter and he had no idea what he had just done. 
Again these piano students didn't just study piano but they were encouraged to arrange their own compositions and to create a project based upon a composer the whole group studied.  This year that composer was Mozart.  They also learned a little about the culture of Mozart's day. They each created a mask that reflected themselves.  These children worked almost every weekday, setting their timers to keep track of their minutes, finding the correct piano keys, reading about Mozart, creating a computer quiz, a Lego movie and an embroidery of Mozart. 
Here is their program.

Your efforts have shown through in this recital.

Cette annee Isaac, Job et Lona etudient le musique compositeur Mozart.  Ils ont lire, voir, ecouter, et jouer des chose de Mozart.  Job a cree un filme avec des Lego.  C'est l'opera La Flute magique.  Isaac a cree un programme sur l'ordinateur qui donne un examen a la vie de Mozart.  Lona a faire un borderie d'un visage de Mozart.  Presque chaque jour, ils ont joue le piano.  L'annee passee au vrai recital de piano, Job a repete ce que Isaac a dit, "Bonjour, je m'appelle Isaac.  J'ai jouer le piano pendant 2 annees."  C'est amusant.  Au repetitation, Job a fait le meme chose encore.  Alors nous a decider qu'il est le premiere de parler.  Chaque etudiant cree un masque aussi. 

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