In September I wrote down something that I learned or reflected upon each day and made a scrapbook from it. I signed up for this little class about 4 years ago and have participated to some degree every year but this year was my favorite. I decided that I wanted to do something like it for November. Since September's theme was Learning, I decided that November's theme would be gratefulness. Every morning I ask everyone one thing they are thankful for. After recording the answers I take a photo of just one thing from that list. I want to make a thankful book for our coffee table when I'm done. It's been interesting so far what we've listed. Some of the things have been tangible, materialistic items and some I just can't take photos of. Things have included:
slippers, wet wipes, blankets, cereal, PJs, dogs, hoodies, coffee, computer mouse, Xbox, books, Legos, socks, snare drum, pants, shin guards, camera, toy cars ....
Intangibles have been: indoor soccer, sleep overs, sleep, Xbox live, forgiveness, wife cooking dinners, affection, a quiet house, friends, done with refereeing for the day, laughter during home family movies.
I am anxious to see what else we are thankful for.