Yesterday was the first day of school. Major mile stones for our family this year. I can't believe that Isaac is in 9th grade - a FRESHMAN - in HIGHSCHOOL. I'm kind of freaking out. Seems like yesterday that I was graduating from highschool but it also seems like a lifetime ago. The day before school started I made these goodie bags for Isaac and his two locker buddies. I filled them with a pencil, index cards, postit notes, water bottle, pez dispener, gum and chocolate. I printed a welcome back to school sign from pinterest and then during tennis practice I placed them in their locker. I wanted Isaac to know that I was thinking of him during the day and wanted him to start his day out with something to look forward to. He was so worried that I was going to do something embarassing. He's at that stage that if I open my mouth, he's embarassed.
Yes, I know that Isaac isn't completely ready for school as he's in his socks for the photo but he didn't really want to have his photo taken. What a goof.
Job decided that he wanted to take the bus the first day. So I walked him to the bus stop, met some kids in our neighborhood that I didn't know and watched him get on the bus. He worried that he wouldn't be paying attention and the teacher would say something and he'd be left alone. Yikes, that's scary. So his whole coping mechanism for that was to just follow the kids everywhere. He didn't know where to go for recess so he followed the kids. He didn't know what to do after getting off the bus so he followed the rest of the kids. He does know so kids from soccer and there are quite a few in his class so that helped. I guess that after lunch, he didn't realloy know what to do so he went over and hung out with a kid from soccer. Thank you Brady for allowing him to do that.
After school I went to pick up Job and it is quite the social hour, chatting with all the mom's I know. Job just wanted to go home. He was exhausted and already had homework. He had a questionaire about himself and he had a name tag to work on. The questions were enlightening to some extent. Apparently clearly given directions are very important to him. He doesn't like it when he doesn't understand. The question was what can the teacher do to help you learn? What do teachers do that frustrate you?
Both answers had to do with giving clear and precise directions. That was one of the first things he said about his teacher as well. He gave clear directions. hmmm. Engineer?
When Isaac walked over to the car yesterday, he kept saying thankyou. He was pleasently surprised with his goodie bag and said that his buddies were excited too. I guess I'm a cool mom after all. I have all sorts of ideas for their locker. I want to do an unbirthday with little cupcakes for them sometime. And then maybe a Christmas thing. I could get into this. Isaac had four classes yesterday: World History (he's covering stuff that we took 6 years to cover), racquet sports, Digitools (a computer class - power point, excel, word, and other stuff), lunch, and a transition class (that's how to take notes, study for a test, and then 40 minutes of time to work on homework). Today he has a general science, geometry, lunch,
English, and then French. I'm anxious to hear how this day goes.