Soccer and Marathon Training

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, October 20, 2007

Activity day: We picked up the kids from our neighbors house this morning at 8 am. We went out to dinner last night and so they just stayed over. Lona had dance class at 9:15 (I went running - 4 1/2 miles in 40 minutes). Then Isaac had a double header at 11:45 and Job had a game at 1:00. Lona fell asleep at the game. In the first game Isaac scored the only goal that our team scored. It was great. He was at the right place at the right time more than once and finally he got a goal. I was proud. In his second game, the kids worked hard. They may have given this team a harder time if they weren't so worn out. I thought that when they passed they did a great job. It was even until the last 5 minutes of the game. Bummer, but they played very hard and they shook off the first loss. Job's team had a little more of a challenge. Job was still feeling tired after having a fever for 5 days. He was still taking a nap on Thursday. Friday was his first napless day in almost a week. Next week he'll do better.
After soccer we had a free afternoon, so filling it up we decided to take our thirty year old couch to the dump. the fabric was riping, some huge holes. It was a hide-a-bed, so donating it was out. The matress was terrible and the bar hurt a person's back to sleep on it. It was in our family room and we want to make room for a pool table. John is going to build me a bench to go under the window; it will also hide the toy boxes. Yeah. I want to be organized and somehow with homeschooling, scrapbooking, three kids, and just junk, I that isn't happening.
John picked out a 1/2 marathon for me in January. I just have to heal my tendon behind my left knee. It was sore after about 3 miles today. That is just unacceptable. I need to find some stretches or exercises for it. Tomorrow. I am trying to scrapbook tonight.
good night.

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