Dance part 2: Woods

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, March 28, 2009

(Thank you John for taking the time to photograph me with my daughter. It's not often that I'm in pictures and having a photo of a motherly daughter thing means a lot to me.)

Today was Lona's last dance recital. We had friends attend last night's recital which I was extremely thankful for. Being out here we do not have family around that can participate in things like dance recitals. This is one of the sadness of not living near family. I asked someone from church and she brought her grandson and girlfriend. Imagine a 20 something guy and gal coming to watch our little Lona. She may be our "world", "Daddy's little girl" but to others she is just a little 6 year old. So when people take the time to watch something like ballet it makes my heart happy. Then out of the blue, my very good friend called and asked to come to the recital. I picked her up along with her daughter and we had a wonderful time. Afterwards we went for coffee at Woods.
(Photo courtesy of Lona: she's outside looking in using my camera.)
Lona was hyped up on sugar and the excitement of the performance.
(Lydia, great catch lights in Lona's eyes! Love the story in this photo.)
Of course she did great today too. I love having good friends.
(Photo courtesy of Lona)
Lydia, I appreciate your interest and friendship towards Lona. I hope someday Lona can do that for a little girl like you have done for her. Thank you.

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