
By Leslie Parks - Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today was a different kind of day. There were intermittent periods of sunshine and heavy rains. I thought great I can kick out one part of a photo assignment that has to do with sun. I might not have this opportunity for a long time. The objective: Find some shade (you can't have shade unless there is sun) and take pictures with catch lights in his eyes. Well we haven't seen that large glowing orb in the sky for quite some time so I brought out my daughter and all she could do was squint. I don't want squinting I want catch lights. We tried four times with Lona to no avail. Then after Job's friend went home I hauled him outside, still to no avail. So I worked on the indoor part of the assignment. Lona told me that taking pictures was boring and she didn't want to have anything to do with it. UUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!

My neighbor graciously loaned me his reflector and I stuck Job on the floor of the living room and took pictures. Here are the results.
My thoughts: Look from all angles, where is the light coming from, what part is dark, are there any mergers, am I following the rule of thirds? Is my aperture set right, what about my ISO?
Job's thoughts: Can I use the laser from the DVD player I took apart to attach to my communicator watch to reveal the secret message I wrote with lemon juice?
My thoughts: I've followed the thirds rule. The light is evenly hitting all parts of his face. I haven't cut off anything important. My ISO and aperture looks good. Maybe I should think of another view point.
Job's thoughts: Will my Mom notice if I take apart her camera and that really long lens. I think I can build a microscope from it.
My thoughts: I think I need to increase my aperture so that Lona is in focus. I'm using the reflector and have great catch lights in their eyes. Love this. My subject is filling the frame. So far so good.
Lona's thoughts: I love teasing Job. He rocks my world!
My thoughts: OH, I'm going to get a great candid shot!
Job's thoughts: Don't you Dare try to kiss my cheek. I'm going to have to pound you!
Lona's thoughts: Come here Job, giggle giggle giggle.
My thoughts: I've got catch lights and he's facing the window. Afternoon sun but this window lets in great diffused light. Shoot, why didn't I off-center him? And does he have to make that face?
Job's thoughts: Is this finally over. I need my Legos.

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